How to pay?
Now we accept payment in USD. You can pay on our Boosty by bank card. Before you pay, please watch this short video first, this video shows the payment process. Below is the button to pay for our Boosty.

Contacts for communication.
Our main email for communication is Reserve email is
While using the server, you may request our Skype for text and voice communication.

What programs to use?
You can use the following programmes:
Chessbase 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.
Fritz 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

How to choose a server for your tasks?
IA (infinite analysis), this is the analysis familiar to everyone for many decades. Recently, the most advanced and strongest stockfish engine has acquired a neural network. We recommend it to all users regardless of experience, masters and grandmasters, correspondence chess players of any level, highly qualified coaches.
Lc0 is a follower of AlphaZero and has surpassed it quite a while ago. A permanent competitor of the Stockfish engine. Very useful in finding plans, alternative continuations, etc. Recommended for qualified chess players (masters, grandmasters, highly qualified coaches), can also be useful for players by correspondence.

How do I order a server?
In order to use the server for analysis, you must first place an order for the server you are interested in. To make an order click on the order button, a basket icon will appear at the bottom right, go to the basket and fill out the order form.

On your mail specified in the order, will come the answer, it may take from a few minutes to a few hours. After receiving a reply, you can make payment. After receiving the payment, we will send you a letter confirming the payment. In the second letter around 16:00 GMT we will send you a file to connect to the server.
How to use the server?
Read this manual.
Possible questions when working with servers.
On our site, all server speeds are indicated in the starting position. For Stockfish the speeds after 31 half-moves are given. For Lc0 speeds after 2 minutes of work are given, because the speed is gained gradually, this is the specificity of the engine's work with neural network. In the middlegame and especially in the endgame, Stockfish's speed can be much higher than in the starting position. In the Lc0 engine, in the middlegame, the speeds can be much lower than in the starting position, and in the endgame, they can be much higher. These are the features of working with a neural network. Servers powered by Stockfish can be used 24/7. For example, you can leave the position to be analyzed overnight or even longer if necessary. When using the Lc0 engine, the following features should be taken into account: the Lc0 engine consumes a lot of server RAM during automatic analysis. If you leave the position for analysis and do not approach the computer for several hours, the entire RAM of the server will be full and the server may stop responding. To prevent this from happening and the server does not freeze, we limit the RAM usage limit. We do not recommend leaving the position longer than 1-2 hours. In addition, it does not make much sense, the Lc0 engine is designed in such a way that it will not show anything new on such powerful graphics cards in 30-40 minutes. However, if during the analysis you sometimes move the pieces, then the RAM of the server is self-cleaning and you can use it for as long as you like. Conclusion - You can use servers with Lc0 in 24/7 mode, only by being in this mode yourself ?, or by using the program options that allow you to move pieces automatically.
Possible problems when working with servers and solutions.
1) We will send you an .exe file. This file is a self-extracting archive and is defined as a virus by the vast majority of antiviruses, but it is certainly not a virus. The Microsoft antivirus built into Windows 10 and Windows 11 is especially swearing. Before downloading and executing the file, it is recommended to disable the antivirus. After downloading and executing the file, enable anti-virus protection.
2) If the engine does not connect or disconnected during operation, check your Internet, if everything is in order with the Internet, use the file to restart the engine, this helps in 98% of cases. If using the file to restart the engine did not help several times, then restart your computer, this is already 99% that everything will work. There is 1% left for other unforeseen situations that may arise on your or our side. Write and we will provide the necessary assistance.